An eco-responsible industry

Our support

Industries generally emit a high volume of greenhouse gases due to the energy required for their activities and the industrial processes themselves, which are largely based on fossil fuels.

  • YES Royal Choice Trading's mission is to source your products from all over the world.
  • YES like any profit-making company, we want to buy and export large volumes every month to our customers and make our sales. But we also want to continue to exist in 10, 20, 30 years and more in a planet that breathes and lives. 
  • NO so we don't want an irresponsible industry that over-exploits available resources with no concern for the future of an already dying planet. Our resources, whatever their nature, are limited and becoming increasingly scarce, let's think about it.

What can Royal Choice do at its level?

RCT is committed to fighting global warming by encouraging its customers to participate in a circular economy. The circular economy enables manufacturers to use high-quality products that have already been used by other companies. In this way, they extend the life of their equipment. This system is economical, since used equipment costs less and increases the industrialist's profitability; ecological and sustainable, because the equipment is used for longer. Less waste, less waste, less greenhouse gas emissions. The equipment's carbon footprint thus becomes as small as possible.

It's not just a matter for developed countries! We encourage our African industrial customers to take the plunge and move towards an eco-responsible industry. The sooner they do, the better their ecological transition will be.

Don't hesitate to consult our blog regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments and regulations in your respective fields.

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