Raw materials

Thanks to its extensive and diversified network of agricultural cooperatives located in Central Africa (Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville) and West Africa (Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali), Royal Choice specializes in the purchase/sale of agricultural raw materials:

  • Plantain banana
  • Wheat
  • Cocoa
  • Café
  • Cotton
  • Palm oil
  • Rice
  • Cashew nuts
  • Kola nut
  • But
  • Penja pepper (Cameroon origin)
  • Sugar

Non-exhaustive list of certified quality products.

A weak supply chain

Each relay or local partner is RCT's representative to local producers. They are the link between our customer and the producer. Their role is crucial in ensuring compliance with customer specifications and guaranteeing product authenticity.

To serve you better: anticipate anticipate anticipate

In addition to negotiating prices and volumes with local producers, RCT's role is to monitor the entire supply chain, ensuring that raw materials are transported, stored and delivered to our customer in good condition.

In view of the high volatility of raw material prices, we have recently decided to negotiate and purchase growers' harvests in advance of each season. This ensures that we always have enough material to supply our customers according to their needs, and does not create imbalances in the entire regional or global distribution chain.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo   |   In partnership with Captain Contrat.
